Saturday, September 18, 2010

T-Minus 2 Months

Everyone has there set of good friends from college and I am no exception to that. My last year at school, I lived off campus in a brand new apartment complex just 5 miles down the road from school. For the most part, my entire building went to the same school as me but most were not moving in until closer to when school would start. I was the first to move in out of my other 2 roommates the summer of 2008. With little furniture and not a lot of friends in the area yet, I spent my time simply going to summer school and spending time in the apartment organizing things. One night while watching tv, I was beginning to get annoyed with my new neighbors above me who seemed to be wrestling. Knowing that men have a fascination with wrestling, I could tell I had some big boys living above me and tried not to let it bother me until BOOM someone got slammed to the ground and my ceiling fan just about fell from the ceiling. I was frustrated at this point and went upstairs to knock on their door and that's when I met my new found neighbors and friends to be. However, that night of knocking on their door and telling them to cut it out didn't strike a new friendship off the bat. I felt so bad about that night that I actually made them cookies to apologize the next day which enabled friendly conversation and the start to our beautiful friendship, drawn out pranks and memorable times with one another. Since that night, the boys had always teased me that whenever we got in some sort of tiff with eachother, they knew they could expect me to show up with fresh baked cookies the next day so some times they would stir arguments for cookies sake - typical lol.

Since the departure of my beloved neighbors upon graduation in the Spring of 2009, we've managed to reunite once (fall of 2009) and now are preparing for reunion #2 !! I cannot even begin to explain the excitement I have for reuniting with them. Just take a look at them.. who would't have fun with these guys ?! lol

                                                                     Ryan and Matt

Ryan and Matt have previously been busy with their professional football careers since graduating and now have settled back in their hometowns with a season under each of their belts. With their new career paths intact and all of us able to take time off work, we've been able to plan our reunion for November. Ryan fortunatley lives close by near Philly, however, Matty might as well live in Siberia for he's from Canada on the westcoast.

Simply put, I'm thoroughly excited to see these two and cannot wait to reunite once again and for the mayhem and new memories that are in store- it's been too long this time! Little did I know that those rowdy neighbors of mine would become such good friends of mine from that one night; but boy am I glad God blessed me with them both. So let the countdown begin, it's T-minus 2 months!! :)