The time finally came when I got to reunite with my bestests from school. Matt flew in from Canada to Phili to Ryan's and Jess came from NY to Phili and then the 3 of them all traveled down to NOVA.
It was so amazing to see them all after a year that I couldn't contain myself when they arrived at my front door that I jumped them all at the front door. Ryan in the past had given me a hard time for never sharing Korean food during the time that we were neighbors at school so his only request was that mom cook up some Korean food for dinner upon their arrival. Mom was gracious and delighted to fulfill the request and the boys and Jess were thoroughly excited.
We spent the evening watching TV, catching up on all that we've missed out on over the year and the boys were nothing less than shy to spit out Asian jokes my way to what seemed suppressed for a year that they couldn't help themselves when they saw my face. All in good fun, it was actually entertaining and I would never share it with them, but it was comforting in a way in knowing that things hadn't changed at all. Mom took advantage of having two strong guys in the house that she put them to work with helping move the heavy stuff around the house :)
I had a surprise for the guys and Jess that Friday before we headed down to Lynchburg but they had absolutely no idea what I had in store for them. So, typically while we were all talking about our plans for the weekend ahead, their curiosity caught up with them and left them playing the guessing game for their surprise. Ryan inevitably guessed that I was taking them to the NRA to go shooting at the range and they were all so excited. The boys had never been shooting so they obviously got all giddy and started playing guns with their fingers in my living room in excitement.
Friday came along and we arrived at the NRA. I took the guys and Jess on a tour at the NRA museum first to kill some time before meeting up with my co-workers at the range.
Bang, Bang
Putting the guns away after we were done shooting
Matt found Ryan's new Bose (?) headphones and was jamming out to himself during "power hour.'
Now, just imagine a Dodge SUV and a 5'2 (ish) girl driving it... Jess was so funny driving this huge car that she could hardly see over the steering wheel without sitting right up close to it!
The boys in the midst of their "power hour" in high anticipation of entering the burg and going to La Caretta. La Caretta is this amazing mexican restaurant all over Lynchburg that we have all always gone to together for great food and amazing drinks :)
The infamous Mexican Flag shot. There is a story behind this! Mario, who was Ryan and Matt's other roommate at school, had once taken this shot for the first time for what I believe was his birthday. This shot is in a double shot shot glass with alcohol in three layers of the color of the Mexican Flag which is then lit on fire and given to you with a straw to intake. Super smart Mario upon his first attempt years ago didn't know what to do with this shot which he drunkenly took his straw and blew air across the flamed shot which then splattered alcohol across the table that was still on fire. With this memory still in mind, it was only suitable that the Mexican Flag shot make its round around our table that night for our reunion dinner. If only I had Mario in this picture taking the shot properly haha.
Matt's younger sister, Amanda is still in school at Liberty and we HAD to go see her! You can see here that Matt was so excited for the photo opp with his sweet sister haha. They love each other :)
Game day! Part of our reunion was to attend the last football home game. All these boys minus Joel (tall skinny guy) played football at Liberty so it was a must for them to watch the game, too! Wouldn't be a proper game day without a tailgate and the boys were all about making that happen. Mister fix-it Nick here was persistent about setting up the grill by himself that all we could do was gather around and watch until we started getting really hungry that the other guys went in with helping hands to finish the job quicker.
Some of the boys- Matt, Joel, Ryan and Nick :)
They missed each other haha. But really.... haha. No- this was Ry and Jess's air mattress that occupied the very middle of Mario's loft that it didn't leave much room for the rest of us. And the fact that these boys really did miss each other that I caught evidence of their spooning lol.
I'm a little bummed I didn't take more pictures from the weekend. I tend to forget I carry a camera sometime, especially when I'm having fun with those I'm with. Next reunion TBD -- thinking cruise?! :)
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